S419 (B3 I69–70)
F: Ann Fessler “She Rode Horses” Installation Montana Sept. ’86 (p) #1 (h)
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[Ann Fessler, “When she was young”, She Rode Horses, 1986, outdoor installation on “Burma Shave” signs, Missoula, MT, Co-Sponsored by Washington Project For The Arts, Washington, DC and Brunswick Gallery.]
S420 (B3 I69–70)
F: Ann Fessler “She Rode Horses” Installation Montana Sept. ’86 (p) #2 (h)
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[Ann Fessler, “She rode horses”, She Rode Horses, 1986, outdoor installation on “Burma Shave” signs, Missoula, MT, Co-Sponsored by Washington Project For The Arts, Washington, DC and Brunswick Gallery.
A reproduction available in James Meyer, “Outside the Box: Unpacking Craig Owens’s Slide Library,” Artforum, vol. 41, no. 7 (March 2003): 66.]
S421 (B3 I71–72)
F: Ann Fessler “She Rode Horses” Installation Montana Sept. ’86 (p) #3 (h)
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[Ann Fessler, “The boys said”, She Rode Horses, 1986, outdoor installation on “Burma Shave” signs, Missoula, MT, Co-Sponsored by Washington Project For The Arts, Washington, DC and Brunswick Gallery.]
S422 (B3 I71–72)
F: Ann Fessler “She Rode Horses” Installation Montana Sept. ’86 (p) #4 (h)
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[Ann Fessler, “They knew why”, She Rode Horses, 1986, outdoor installation on “Burma Shave” signs, Missoula, MT, Co-Sponsored by Washington Project For The Arts, Washington, DC and Brunswick Gallery.]
S423 (B3 I71–72)
F: Ann Fessler “She Rode Horses” Installation Montana Sept. ’86 (p) #5 (h)
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[Ann Fessler, “But they were wrong”, She Rode Horses, 1986, outdoor installation on “Burma Shave” signs, Missoula, MT, Co-Sponsored by Washington Project For The Arts, Washington, DC and Brunswick Gallery.]
S424 (B3 I71–72)
F: Ann Fessler “She Rode Horses” Installation Montana Sept. ’86 (p) #6 (h)
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[Ann Fessler, “She rode horses because”, She Rode Horses, 1986, outdoor installation on “Burma Shave” signs, Missoula, MT, Co-Sponsored by Washington Project For The Arts, Washington, DC and Brunswick Gallery.]
S425 (B3 I71–72)
F: Ann Fessler “She Rode Horses” Installation Montana Sept. ’86 (p) #7 (h)
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[Ann Fessler, “She wanted control”, She Rode Horses, 1986, outdoor installation on “Burma Shave” signs, Missoula, MT, Co-Sponsored by Washington Project For The Arts, Washington, DC and Brunswick Gallery.]
S426 (B3 I71–72)
F: Ann Fessler “She Rode Horses” Installation Montana Sept. ’86 (p) #8 (h)
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[Ann Fessler, “Over something very powerful”, She Rode Horses, 1986, outdoor installation on “Burma Shave” signs, Missoula, MT, Co-Sponsored by Washington Project For The Arts, Washington, DC and Brunswick Gallery.]
S427 (B3 I71–72)
F: Ann Fessler “She Rode Horses” Installation Montana Sept. ’86 (p) #9 (h)
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[Ann Fessler, “Like boys”, She Rode Horses, 1986, outdoor installation on “Burma Shave” signs, Missoula, MT, Co-Sponsored by Washington Project For The Arts, Washington, DC and Brunswick Gallery.]
S428 (B3 I71–72)
F: Ann Fessler “She Rode Horses” Installation Montana Sept. ’86 (p) #10 (h)
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[Ann Fessler, “And their cars”, She Rode Horses, 1986, outdoor installation on “Burma Shave” signs, Missoula, MT, Co-Sponsored by Washington Project For The Arts, Washington, DC and Brunswick Gallery.]