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25 rue Lesdiguières 38000 Grenoble (France)
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Fischl, Eric

S55 (B1 I9–10)
F: Painting U.S. Fischl, Eric (1948-) Bad Boy, 1981 Coll. of A. and C. Goldberg Purchase, J. Fineberg Yale Color 8.82.941 L (t)
B: Art Library Yale University (t)
[Eric Fischl, Bad Boy, 1981, oil on canvas, reproduced in “Back to Studio,” Art in America (January 1982): 102.
A reproduction available here.]

S458 (B4 I77–78)
F: P U.S. Fischl, Eric Old man’s boat, old man’s dog. 1982, o/c. 213.4 x 213.4 cm Saatchi Charles & Doris collection, London, Eng. F 1982 95DB1(t)
B: The Art Institute of Chicago Slide Collection (t) 95DB1 (h)
[A reproduction available here.]

S460 (B4 I77–78)
F: P U.S. Fischl, Eric The rooms of the house. Salad days. 1984–85. oil/linen. 213.4 x 426.7 cm F 1984 83DC25 (t)
B: The Art Institute of Chicago Slide Collection (t) 83DC25 (h)
[A reproduction available here.]

S461 (B4 I77–78)
F: P U.S. Fischl, Eric First sex. 1981. o/canvas. 182.9 x 243.8 cm F 1981 4BR17 (t)
B: The Art Institute of Chicago Slide Collection (t) 4BRI7 (h)
[A reproduction available here.]