Pratiques visuelles, exposition et nouvelles écologies de l’art
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École supérieure d’art et design • Grenoble
25 rue Lesdiguières 38000 Grenoble (France)
+33 (0) 4 76 86 61 30
‹— Dossier
Goldstein, Jack

S204 (B3 I33–34)
F: Jack Goldstein Untitled 1981 acrylic on canvas 7 x 11’ (h) SEP 81N9 (p)
B: Kodak Color Slide Duplicate Made by Kodak (p)
[A reproduction available here.]

S283 (B3 I47–48)
F: Made in USA (p)
B: Ektachrome Transparency (p)
[Three black-and-white film stills of Jack Goldstein, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1975, 16 mm film, color, sound, 2 min.
A film still of Goldstein’s work here and the complete film here.]