Pratiques visuelles, exposition et nouvelles écologies de l’art
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École supérieure d’art et design • Grenoble
25 rue Lesdiguières 38000 Grenoble (France)
+33 (0) 4 76 86 61 30
‹— Dossier
Salle, David

S109 (B2 I19–20)
F: Salle, David Gericault’s Arm, 1985, o/c, 78 x 96”, 2 panels (75763) (p)
B: School of Visual Arts (t)
[A reproduction available here.]

S120 (B2 I19–20)
F: Salle Jim was Jim 80 (h) Made in USA (p)
B: Ektachrome Transparency (p)
[David Salle, Jim was Jim, 1980, acrylic on canvas.
A reproduction available here.]

S131 (B2 I21–22)
F: Salle, David Fooling with your hair, 1985 o/c 88 1/2 x 180 1/4” 76759 (p)
B: School of Visual Arts Library (p)
[A reproduction available here.]

S478 (B4 I79–80)
F: Salle, David, What is the Reason for your visit to Germany, 1984 (96 x 191 1/2”) 75767 (p)
B: School of Visual Arts Library (t)
[David Salle, What is the Reason for your visit to Germany, 1984, oil and acrylic on canvas and lead on wood, a black and white reproduction of David Salle’s work.
A reproduction available here.]