Pratiques visuelles, exposition et nouvelles écologies de l’art
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École supérieure d’art et design • Grenoble
25 rue Lesdiguières 38000 Grenoble (France)
+33 (0) 4 76 86 61 30
‹— Dossier
McCollum, Allan

S23 (B1 I3–4)
F: Allan McCollum, 1982 untitled models for molds, acrylic on wood + Museum board, Marian Goodman Gallery (h) NOV 82 (p)
B: Kodak Color Slide Duplicate (p)
[Allan McCollum, Collection of Twenty Surrogate Paintings, 1982, acrylic on wood and museum board, variable dimensions, models for rubber molds used to make the series exhibited at Plaster Surrogates, March 8–April 2, 1983, Marian Goodman Gallery, New York.
A view of McCollum’s work available here.]

S199 (B3 I33–34)
F: Damaged Goods 6/21–8/10/86 instal.view with Allan McCollum Jeff Koons (t) 86.3 LI (4) (h)
B: Damaged Goods 6/21–8/10/86 instal.view with Allan McCollum Jeff Koons (t) 86.3 LI (4) (h)
[A reproduction of Damaged Goods exhibition view showing Jeff Koons, Louise Lawler, Gretchen Bender and Allan McCollum’s pieces available here.]