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École supérieure d’art et design • Grenoble
25 rue Lesdiguières 38000 Grenoble (France)
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Haacke, Hans

S111 (B2 I19–20)
F: Haacke (h) 23 JUN 82N15 (p)
B: Ektachrome Slide Processed by Kodak (p)
[Hans Haacke, Öelgemälde–Hommage à Marcel Broodthaers, 1982, view presumably taken by Craig Owens of the painted portrait of Ronald Reagan presented behind stanchions and velvet rope in front of a red carpet, Documenta 7, June 19–September 28, 1982, Kassel.
A view of Haacke’s work available here.]

S112 (B2 I19–20)
F: Haacke (h) 20 JUN 82N15 (p)
B: Ektachrome Slide Processed by Kodak (p)
[Hans Haacke, Öelgemälde–Hommage à Marcel Broodthaers, 1982, view presumably taken by Craig Owens of the painted portrait of Ronald Reagan presented behind stanchions and velvet rope in front of a red carpet, Documenta 7, June 19–September 28, 1982, Kassel.
A view of Haacke’s work available here.]

S203 (B3 I33–34)
F: CO87.14 (h) 10 (p)
B: Kodachrome Slide Processed by Kodak (p)
[Hans Haacke, Unfinished Business, ed. Brian Wallis (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1986), 5, view with a photo request form, dated from November 10, 1987.
A reproduction available on this website.]

S584 (B4 I97–98)
F: Hans Haacke Seurat’s “Les Poseuses” (Small Version) 1888–1975 (h) John Weber Gallery 420 West Broadway NYC NY 10012 (p)
B: Color Transparency (p)
[Hans Haacke, Seurat’s “Les Poseuses” (Small Version) 1888–1975, 1975, framed photography of Georges Seurat’s painting Les Poseuses, 1888, exhibition view.
A view of Haacke’s work available here.]

S589 (B4 I99–100)
F: CO87.14 (h)
B: /
[Hans Haacke, The Business Behind Art Knows the Art of Good Business, invitation card for solo exhibition at John Weber Gallery, New York, May 4–25, 1985, John Weber Gallery, New York, reproduced from Hans Haacke, Unfinished Business, ed. Brian Wallis (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1986), 2.
A reproduction available here.]

S590 (B4 I99–100)
F: CO87.14 (h)
B: /
[Hans Haacke, MetroMobiltan, 1985, installation, fiberglass construction, three banners and photomural, photograph, reproduced in black-and-white on a double page taken from Hans Haacke, Unfinished Business, ed. Brian Wallis (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1986), 274-275.
A view of Haacke’s work available here.]

S591 (B4 I99–100)
F: CO87.14 (h)
B: /
[Hans Haacke, “Hermann Josef Abs”, Manet-Projekt ‘74, 1974, one of ten offset panels, black-and-white reproduction taken from Hans Haacke, Unfinished Business, ed. Brian Wallis (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1986), 128.
A reproduction available here.]

S592 (B4 I99–100)
F: Hans Haacke Seurat’s “Les Poseuses” (Small version) 1888–1975 (Heinz Berggruen) 15 (h) John Weber Gallery 420 West Broadway NYC, NY 10012 (p)
B: Color Transparency (p)
[Hans Haacke, Seurat’s “Les Poseuses” (Small Version) 1888–1975, 1975, framed panel dedicated to Heinz Berggruen, exhibition view.
A view of Haacke’s work available here.]

S595 (B4 I99–100)
F: Haacke, Hans. Voici Alcan, DET: Panel 2, Stephen Biko. 1983. Photo w/lettering. 86 1/2 x 41” Ottawa: Nat. Gall. (t)
B: /
[Hans Haacke, Panel 2 : Stephen Biko, Voici Alcan, 1983, one of three panels with photographs, white lettering, aluminium windows, acrylic plastic taken from Hans Haacke, Unfinished Business, ed. Brian Wallis (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1986), 254. A view of Haacke’s work available here.]

S596 (B4 I99–100)
F: Hans Haacke “Visitors Profile 2” 1973 John Weber Gallery 23 sheets ea. 8 1/2 x 11” (h) John Weber Gallery 420 West Broadway NYC, NY 1001 (p)
B: Color for Professionals Motal Custom Darkrooms 18 W 45 St NY 10036 (p)
[Hans Haacke, “Do you think the preferences of those who financially back the art world influence the kind of work artists produce?,” from John Weber Gallery Visitor’s Profile 2, 1973, one of twenty-nine sheets of paper questionnaire and comparative bar graphs of answers, detail.
Views of Haacke’s project available in Hans Haacke, Unfinished Business, ed. Brian Wallis (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1986), 102–105.]

S597 (B4 I99–100)
F: Hans Haacke 10 Visual Resources, Inc. One Lincoln Plaza New York, NY 10023 (p)
B: Documenta Visitor’s Profile 1972 (h)
[Hans Haacke, Visitor’s Profile, 1972, poll processed by the regional computer center, view of Documenta’s visitors completing questionnaires, Documenta 5, June 30–8 October, 1972, Kassel.
A reproduction available as Fig. 12 here.]

S598 (B4 I99–100)
F: CO87.14 (h)
B: /
[Hans Haacke, Taking Stock (unfinished), 1983—1984, oil on canvas, a black-and-white reproduction taken from Hans Haacke, Unfinished Business, ed. Brian Wallis (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1986), 261.
A view of Haacke’s work available here.]

S599 (B4 I99–100)
F: Haacke (h) 24 JUN 82N15 (p)
B: Ektachrome Slide Processed by Kodak (p)
[Hans Haacke, Öelgemälde–Hommage à Marcel Broodthaers, 1982, painted portrait of Ronald Reagan presented behind stanchions and velvet rope in front of a red carpet, detail, exhibition view presumably taken by Craig Owens, Documenta 7, June 19–September 28, 1982, Kassel.
A view of Haacke’s work available here.]

S600 (B4 I99–100)
F: Haacke (h) 22 JUN 82N15 (p)
B: Ektachrome Slide Processed by Kodak (p)
[Hans Haacke, Öelgemälde–Hommage à Marcel Broodthaers, 1982, mural-sized photograph of an antiwar demonstration, detail, exhibition view presumably taken by Craig Owens, Documenta 7, June 19–September 28, 1982, Kassel.
A view of Haacke’s work available in Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, “A Dictionary of Received Ideas,” October, vol. 22 (Autumn 1982):113, accessible online here, or here.

S601 (B4 I101–102)
F: Hans Haacke Inst: John Weber Gallery JWG Visitors Profile 1973 (h)
B: Ektachrome Slide Processed by Kodak (p)
[Hans Haacke, John Weber Gallery Visitor’s Profile 2, 1973, paper questionnaire and comparative bar graphs of answers, exhibition view, John Weber Gallery, September 1973, New York.
Views of Haacke’s project available in Hans Haacke, Unfinished Business, ed. Brian Wallis (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1986), 102–105, and online here.]

S602 (B4 I101–102)
F: Haacke (h) 26 JUN 82N15 (p)
B: Ektachrome Slide Processed by Kodak (p)
[Hans Haacke, Öelgemälde–Hommage à Marcel Broodthaers, 1982, painted portrait of Ronald Reagan, detail, exhibition view presumably taken by Craig Owens, Documenta 7, June 19–September 28, 1982, Kassel.
A view of Haacke’s work available here.]

S603 (B4 I101–102)
F: CO87.14 (h)
B: /
[Hans Haacke, Der Pralinenmeister, 1981, printed sheet, detail, a black-and-white reproduction taken from Hans Haacke, Unfinished Business, ed. Brian Wallis (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1986), 212.
A view of Haacke’s work available here.]

S619 (B4 I103–104)
F: CO87.14 (h)
B: Ektachrome Slide Processed by Kodak (p)
[Hans Haacke, Panel 3 : Norma, Voici Alcan, 1983, one of three panels with photographs, white lettering, aluminium windows, acrylic plastic, a black-and-white reproduction taken from Hans Haacke, Unfinished Business, ed. Brian Wallis (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1986), 255.
A view of Haacke’s project available here.]

S620 (B4 I103–104)
F: Haacke, Hans. The Right to Life. 1979. Photo on Silkscreen Print. 50 1/4 x 40 1/4”. Oberlin (OH): Allen Mem. Mus. (t)
B: /
[A black-and-white reproduction taken from Hans Haacke, Unfinished Business, ed. Brian Wallis (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1986), 201.
A reproduction available here.]